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Oct. 15, 2024

How we pick the perfect breast implant size (for you) [Urmen Desai, MD, Beverly Hills]

The breast implant sizing process is everything. Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Urmen Desai tells us why he prefers going into surgery with the exact implant size he and his patient agreed upon ahead of time, rather than varying mid-surgery.


The breast implant sizing process is everything. Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Urmen Desai tells us why he prefers going into surgery with the exact implant size he and his patient agreed upon ahead of time, rather than varying mid-surgery.


Read more about Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Urmen Desai

Follow Dr. Desai on Instagram @desaiplasticsurgery

Where Before Meets After brings credible, accurate information about plastic surgery, aesthetic procedures and treatments to the researching audience from trusted plastic surgeons and aesthetic professionals.

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Where Before Meets After is a production of The Axis


Eva Sheie (00:04):
Welcome to the podcast, Where Before Meets After. Submit your questions for our experts at I'm your host, Eva Sheie.

Dr. Desai (00:14):
My name is Urmen Desai. I am a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, California.

Eva Sheie (00:20):
How do you do sizing?

Dr. Desai (00:22):
I start with certain breast measurements. I measure the breast width and the amounts of skin elasticity. Then I use Crisalix. There's a few imaging software programs out there and companies out there. I like Crisalix because it's mobile, I can use my iPad to scan their body, and then I put on the 3D glasses, so it looks like they're in a virtual reality world. And then I put on a bra with different size implants.

Eva Sheie (00:45):
You do it yourself? You put on the bra?

Dr. Desai (00:49):
I put on the bra to show them. Do you think this looks good on me? No, you're good. You're funny. So yeah, they put on the bra and we kind of come to determine the right size that's appropriate for them and their style.

Eva Sheie (01:05):
This sounds like a lot of fun. Are they having a good time doing this?

Dr. Desai (01:07):
Oh, they're having a great time. Especially, I mean, it's a party. Sometimes they'll bring their girlfriends. We sometimes serve champagne, and so we make it fun.

Eva Sheie (01:16):
Do they try on clothes? Are they wearing something when they're doing this?

Dr. Desai (01:19):
They have the bra on. Sometimes they'll put on the blouse that they came into the office with just to see how it looks.

Eva Sheie (01:26):
And then do you go into surgery knowing exactly what size they're going to be or is it sort of like a range at that point?

Dr. Desai (01:32):
Fantastic question. I always go in a hundred percent knowing exactly what size that we decided on, myself and the patient. Because sometimes they'll tell me stories where they'll say, oh, my friend wanted 300 ccs and she woke up and had 700 ccs and the doctor said he thought it would look better with 700. And I said, I would never do that. I also read stories like that on online or people who need revision surgery. They say, oh, I wanted 300. Doctor came out and told me 700, he thought 700 would look better. Something crazy like that. I would never do that. Whatever the patient I decide before going to the operating room is what I do. I never vary on that.

Eva Sheie (02:09):
Well, the whole process of deciding what size you're dialing that in, what's the point of the process if you're just going to change it later?

Dr. Desai (02:18):
Exactly. Exactly.

Eva Sheie (02:21):
Where can we find you on Instagram?

Dr. Desai (02:24):
My Instagram handle is @DesaiPlasticSurgery, D-E-S-A-I. Plastic surgery. That's where you can see most of my work, and get in touch with me, slide into the dms. Come visit Beverly Hills, California.

Eva Sheie (02:36):
Thank you, Dr. Desai. On this podcast, we bring you directly to the doctors who are where before meets after. Links to our guest's website and contact info are in your show notes. Follow us on Instagram @wherebeforemeetsafter. If you're a board certified plastic surgeon and would like to be a guest or a of the show, go to for more information. Where Before Meets After is a production of The Axis, the podcast agency for aesthetics,

Urmen Desai, MD Profile Photo

Urmen Desai, MD

Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills, California

Dr. Urmen Desai loves what he does so much that it doesn’t feel like a job. As a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon having helped thousands of women, he has a next-level understanding of breast augmentation. With his Instagram, he gives patients an unfiltered, authentic look into his practice and his life.

Back when he was a resident, he would watch Dr. 90210 in his Rhode Island apartment and realized practicing in Los Angeles was his dream. After his residency, he left the cold and snow of Boston to spend a year as a fellow with Dr. Richard Ellenbogen from Dr. 90210, where fell in love with Los Angeles and never looked back.