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Oct. 29, 2024

You're going to have alien boobs for a while [Urmen Desai, MD, Beverly Hills]

What should you expect during breast augmentation recovery, and how long should it take for breast implants to settle into their final position? Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Urmen Desai walks us through the early days following surgery.


What should you expect during breast augmentation recovery, and how long should it take for breast implants to settle into their final position? Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Urmen Desai walks us through the early days following surgery.


Read more about Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Urmen Desai

Follow Dr. Desai on Instagram @desaiplasticsurgery

Where Before Meets After brings credible, accurate information about plastic surgery, aesthetic procedures and treatments to the researching audience from trusted plastic surgeons and aesthetic professionals.

 For more information about being a guest or sponsor of Where Before Meets After, visit If you're a doctor or an aesthetic professional and have ever thought about doing your own podcast, you can try podcasting for free on our Meet the Doctor podcast. Schedule your recording session at

Where Before Meets After is a production of The Axis


Eva Sheie (00:04):
Welcome to the podcast Where Before Meets After. Submit your questions for our experts at I'm your host, Eva Sheie.

Dr. Desai (00:15):
My name is Urmen Desai. I am a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, California.

Eva Sheie (00:21):
How soon do they get to see what they look like with their new breast implants?

Dr. Desai (00:25):
They come out of surgery in a surgical bra and they're a little bit out of it for the first few hours, and then they go to sleep. The next morning I allow 'em to take a shower and that's when the first time they take off their bra, and so that's when they really see it. But at that point it's swollen, they're high. They just look a little bit like, I call 'em alien boobs. I say, you're going to have alien boobs for a few weeks. But it takes time for them to drop and settle and fall into place, so you're not going to be really ready for a month or two. I say you're like a cake in the oven. You've been baking for five minutes. You're going to need a whole hour to continue to bake and cook. Or you're a fruit on the tree. You're not ripe yet, you need time to,

Eva Sheie (01:05):
I like that you use feminine analogies because often I hear car analogies with these things or the oil change. It just doesn't work with women very well.

Dr. Desai (01:17):
I agree. I agree.

Eva Sheie (01:18):
Would you say that you've got it dialed in at this point in your career? You really understand what women want when they come to you for breast augmentation?

Dr. Desai (01:28):
Absolutely. Malcolm Caldwell talks about the 10,000 hours and I think I'm approaching that where it's like I've done it so frequently, almost mastered it. And I know every question and I know every question that's coming, and I know how to answer everything and I know how to deal with every complication. And it's fun for me, it's almost like a next level. Even with sizing, I kind of just know with multiple things in my, when I see it, it's one of those things when you see, you know it, so I think it's almost on the next level.

Eva Sheie (02:00):
Do you usually know before the patient even tells you?

Dr. Desai (02:02):
Almost, yeah. After asking 'em a few questions, like what size cup are you today? What size do you want to be? Do you like a natural look or do you want a juicy perky look? And what's your occupation? How do you spend your time? What do you do for work? Those few light delicate questions, I already know, it's going to be 300, it's going to be 450, it's going to be 600.

Eva Sheie (02:22):
Where can we find you on Instagram?

Dr. Desai (02:25):
My Instagram handle is @DesaiPlasticSurgery, D-E-S-A-I Plastic surgery. That's where you can see most of my work and get in touch with me, slide into the dms. Come visit Beverly Hills, California.

Eva Sheie (02:40):
On this podcast, we bring you directly to the doctors who are where before meets after. Links to our guest's website and contact info are in your show notes. Follow us on Instagram @wherebeforemeetsafter. If you're a board certified plastic surgeon and would like to be a guest or a sponsor of the show, go to for more information. Where Before Meets After is a production of The Axis, the podcast agency for aesthetics,

Urmen Desai, MD Profile Photo

Urmen Desai, MD

Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills, California

Dr. Urmen Desai loves what he does so much that it doesn’t feel like a job. As a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon having helped thousands of women, he has a next-level understanding of breast augmentation. With his Instagram, he gives patients an unfiltered, authentic look into his practice and his life.

Back when he was a resident, he would watch Dr. 90210 in his Rhode Island apartment and realized practicing in Los Angeles was his dream. After his residency, he left the cold and snow of Boston to spend a year as a fellow with Dr. Richard Ellenbogen from Dr. 90210, where fell in love with Los Angeles and never looked back.